बस यूँही…….

Nature never ceases to amaze me. Every manifestation, every iteration of its creations is awe inspiring. This pretty flower is from an Oleander plant. Nerium oleander commonly known as oleander or rosebay, is a shrub or small tree cultivated worldwide in temperate and subtropical areas as an ornamental and landscaping plant. It is the only species currently classified in the genus Nerium. It is so widely cultivated that no precise region of origin has been identified, though it is generally attributed to the Mediterranean region. The flowers and plants are extremely bitter and generally considered poisonous.
Watching this delicate beauty spurred a few thoughts.
A seed blooms….
An idea, like a seed, is planted deep
Nourished by thought, and dreams that creep
Watered by passion, and a vision clear
It germinates, and begins to appear
Like a flower blooming, it unfurls its might,
Petals of innovation, shining bright
Colours of creativity, vibrant and bold
A masterpiece unfolding, a story to be told
With every stage, it grows and a bloom it does take
Roots of perseverance, a strong foundation to make
The bud of potential, now a bloom in sight
A great product, born from the idea’s light
One beholds the beauty, with pride and delight
A dream realized, a vision taking flight
Just as a flower blooms, an idea comes to be
A creation to cherish, for all to see!
I thought the blooming of a flower and the fruition of an idea into a great product is a metaphor worth exploring. Both require nurturing, care, and patience, but the end result is a beautiful and proud moment. Just like a flower blooms and shares its beauty with the world, a great product can bring joy and value to others.
What do you think?

Flowers In Our Garden

Nature Photography

Delicate beauty in nature


Creative Thinking

23 responses to “बस यूँही…….”

  1. karunagirishbh Avatar

    Beautiful flower and lines too.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. हवा का एक झोका आया,कहीं तेरी आने की आहट तो नहीं,
    दिल में मोजज़ा ही मोजज़ा छाया,कहीं तेरे आने की भनक तो नहीं,
    कानों में मानो गीतों की लहरे उठी,कहीं तेरे पायल की झंकार तो नहीं,
    बागबान में ये रंग सा छाया,कहीं होठों की मुस्कुराहट तो नहीं,
    हवाओं में हल्की से खुश्बू छाई,कहीं तेरे भीगे बदन की महक तो नहीं,
    अब मत तड़पा आगोश में आ,कभी मुझे मिलने की तेरी चाहत तो नहीं….

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Kya baat hai , Daxaj Ji.. Bahot khoob !!

      Liked by 2 people

    2. Edit-corrected, Daxay as per your request. Check it out


  3. Sundar…. Chitra ani shabda….

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Please correct….
    ….मुझे मिलने की तेरी चाहत तो नहीं….

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Click : Superb !!
    Couplet : bahot khoob !!

    ” kaynaat kitni pyaari hoti hai, her jaanib se teri aahat le aati hai…
    Vo zarane jab gaatey hai, sur tere yaad aate hai…
    Hawa ka zonka aata hai , sang teri khushboo de jaata hai..
    Phalak pe chaand jab aata hai, maasum sa tera chehera samne aata hai…
    Phool koi jab khilata hai, teri muskan ko yaad dilata hai…
    ….saawan me jab badal cha jate hai, mere aankho’n se baarish le jate hai..” Shibaa

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Nicely written…

      Liked by 1 person

  6. A bit different version… Please let me add….

    लो अब दिल से मुंह मोड़ के कायनात का वास्ता कर लिया,
    दिल को भी तो पूछ लेते क्या हमारी आहट से धड़कना छोड़ दिया,
    झरनों की गुंजन सुन तो ली क्या हमारी पायल ने छमकना छोड़ दिया,
    हवा के जोको को क्या अब हमारे बदन की महक से रिश्ता तोड़ दिया,
    चांद के आने – जानें मे,क्या हमें खयालों में यूं ही अकेला छोड़ दिया,
    मुस्कान हमारी आपकी जान थी,अब क्या फूलों के सहारे छोड़ दिया,
    सावन का अब क्या भरोसा,तेरी बातों ने हमे यूं ही तन्हा छोड़ दिया….

    Liked by 1 person

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