बस यूँही….

Natural phenomena like a sunset, sunrise, clouds in the sky are recurrent and ceaseless, happening all around us. We, in our preoccupation with matters more mundane overlook or even ignore them. I was fortunate enough to witness this glorious sunset the other evening: the ball of molten gold slightly obscured by gossamer clouds in the last lap of its diurnal drive across the skies, unfolding mystery and suspense.
Every sunset evokes the same sense of wonder and awe. The enchanting and mystical atmosphere of a sunset seems to be one where the boundaries between reality and imagination seem to blur. I was inspired by the beauteous, enchanting sunset to put together a few words
Sunset’s veil, a mystery to unfold
As sun sinks low, stories untold
Horizon’s edge, a secrets’ keep
Golden light, whispers to sleep
Shadows dance, a tantalizing clue
Nature’s riddle, waiting anew
Sky ablaze, a fiery glow
Sunset’s magic, only known to few
Twilight’s hush, a silence deep
Secrets hidden, in the sun’s last sweep
The horizon’s line, a mystery to share
Sunset’s allure, beyond compare

Sunset Photography

Nature Photography

Celestial Painter

Wonders Never Cease

Hopelessly In Love With Nature

तस्दीक़: सच्चा बताना, पुष्टि करना,
मुख़लिस: निश्छल, सच्चा
लामहदूद: असीम, limitless

12 responses to “बस यूँही….”

  1. Madhuri Thakar Avatar
    Madhuri Thakar

    फोटो एकदम मस्त!

    येणं जाणं तुझं रोजचंच..


    पण सकाळी उगवतानाची आभा अन्

    जातानाचा संधीप्रकाश..वेड लाऊन जातो..

    अशी भावना आम्ही देतो का सभोवताली?

    विचार करावा लागेल..


    Liked by 1 person

    1. फार छान, माधुरी जी


  2. मुखलिस दोस्त….


    थकून घरी😊 परतणाऱ्याचे सुंदर चित्र….. 👌🏻

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Such a beautiful photograph and lines, eagerly await every morning, to freshen up my mind. Worth the wait. A welcome departure from the monotony of mundane matters and distractions of quotidian life. ” There are more things in heaven and earth than ……”.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. That’s so kind of you, Sir


  4. Great picture indeed, lines too.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. karunagirishbh Avatar

    Beautiful Scenery and lines too.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Beautiful….Where was the Photograph taken?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks. From just outside the city


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